The store contains over 4500 different health food items in the following categories:
Bulk Foods
Seeds, nuts, dried fruits, beans, rice, flours, sweeteners, grains, granola
Frozen Foods
Breads, fruit, ice cream, vegetables, meatless burgers/chicken/fish, etc.
Non-Dairy products
Tofu, cheese, butter, mayonnaise, dressings, and yogurt
Chips, caffeine-free sodas, cookies, crackers, cereals, non-dairy milks, pasta, oils, seasonings, baking goods, nut butters, honey, snack bars
Health and Beauty products
Shampoo, soap, deodorants, lotions, toothpaste, feminine products, household cleaners
Vitamins and Supplements, essential oils, protein powders
Herbal Teas and Culinary Herbs
300 varieties